

 Q: I have applied for a job, and they have asked me to provide 'letters of recommendation'. What does this mean?

仕事に応募したんですが、Letters of Reccommendationを提出するように言われました。これは何ですか?

 A: In most Western companies, you must have 'letters of recommendation' or 'references' from your past employer (your old boss).

Usually it is a letter, where your past employer explains:

  • what you did in that company (the duties you performed) and 
  • その会社で何をしていたかや(会社での責務)
  • the personal qualities you may have (such as your attitude to work, how professional or hard working you are)
  • あなたの仕事振りなどです。(仕事に対する姿勢など)

Here is an example letter of recommendation I found on the internet, to show you what I mean:

 Example Letter:

To whom it may concern:

" stonehedgeで夏至とは何ですか?"

I would like to recommend as a candidate for a position with your organisation. In her position as Staff Assistant, was employed in our office from 2002 - 2006. did an excellent job in this position and was an asset to our organization during her tenure with the office. She has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done.

During her tenure with , was responsible for supervising the department office assistants. These assistants, under 's management, were responsible for many of the office's basic administrative and clerical functions.

effectively scheduled and managed several assistants to maintain efficient office operations.

was always willing to offer her assistance and had an excellent rapport with the many constituents served by our office including clients, employers, and other professional organizations. She would be an asset to any employer and I recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue.

Yours truly,


source: http://jobsearch.about.com/cs/referenceletters/a/empreference.htm

Please note that this letter is an example! Do not copy it and use it for your reference! 

You need to talk to your past employer and ask them to write such a letter for you.

If they do not know how, this example letter could be used as a model, and then changed to suit your details!

Good luck with the job!

Question: Do you have any letters of reference? If not, start getting them when you change your job! Just ask you boss when you leave!

Put your answer in the comments!

Next week: Let's start to learn clear English pronunciation!

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